Monday, September 29, 2008

My Passion

I am a person who has faced many hardships in life but continue to follow my passion. Loosing both my parents at a young age I still thrive to complete my education. My goal is to become a Physician Assistant and make my parents and my daughter proud. At times it is hard to follow your dreams but the determination to do something and make a difference keeps me going. I am at LaGuardia Community College to finish some pre-requisites to the PA program. Once I am done here I will continue to my next destination which is PA school. This will be one of the greatest accomplishments for me.
The way I am reaching for my goal and working towards my passion is by taking small steps, one step at a time. Slow and steady wins the race. The profession I have chosen also requires time and patience and that is something I have learned to do. My passion arose in this field when my father was hospitalized after a massive car accident and died in front of my eyes. I wished I was the doctor and could have done something to help my father. Many other patients in the Intensive Care Unit were helped by the medical care workers and I felt I wanted to do something that would help others as well. This is why I chose this career.
Now, how will I use my education? Well I will use the education I acquire to medically assist people in need. I’m not sure exactly how that would make the world a better place but it will definitely be one more person helping and treating humankind. It will provide one more individual to a person in need. In fact, it is humankind that can save the Earth (since we are the ones destroying it) so I think indirectly I am helping to make the world a better place. I am just one person and its hard to believe that I am actually influencing the whole world. After all, every person counts.


Doctor X said...

Of course you are and will be helping the world make a better place--you will make sure that others are healthy and happy and that already is an immense contribution to your community.

Good entry; now you need to work on making the next one "bloggier" by adding links and/or pics and films.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comment.

Seems like you have been through a lot, you're very resilient, that resilence and great sense of direction will surely get you to accomplish all your goals.

See u in class : )


Stephanie's Blog said...

I guess everyone in the medical is doing it because of the chance to help others... i mean that is changing someone life, everyone that you come in cotact with but what about the whole world? My passion is to help mothers and unborn babies, your's is to help everyone that come in your will be doing more than me.....follow your dream sis, i hope you make it:)

Ovetta said...

You have been through a lot and seems very strong. I know you will accomplish your goals. I have high respect for people who choose careers that help others. I wish you success.

m.lorena said...

Wow your entry shows how much you been through and I love that no matter what you've kept on going. I love your determination and I hope everything works out for you.

VIVIANA said...

..Hi Nida.. I really enjoyed your blog today!
I think Nida did a good job with the blog! Her personality is influenced in each word stated! Her thoughts are very clear, and I was able to relate to her life. It was really sad when I read about the loosing both of her parents, but at the same time they are her inspiration to achieve her dreams and goals.I think her blog does impress me in terms of its ideas because she articulates her thoughts clearly. The format is good. She separated her thoughts into paragraphs. Very understandable.The color, font, size, length, everything is good!!
She has everybody in the class, including the proff.=)