Sunday, September 14, 2008

Blog 1

Religion can be used as a way to help the environment. This month is a fasting month for Muslims so we manage to save a lot of things. By fasting, everyday I’m saving paper cups that I would have used for coffee. My husband, who is a smoker, does not pollute the air by smoking. Usually, during fasting hours it is best to pray so electricity is also being conserved by not watching television or listening to music. Even though these are small acts they have been beneficial to the environment.
Honestly speaking this was not intended to help the environment. Instead, this is a religious belief that we have been following for a long time. Come to think of it we can change little habits and help the environment. Why not buy a cup and reuse it every day for coffee? There are so many lights in my house when I can only use one. We have come to abuse the resources we have available. In my country, Pakistan, people use water very carefully since they have a shortage of it. Very often the electricity would go out and people would suffer. In countries like that people realize the importance of these basic necessities while in America people abuse it.
Simple living and high thinking is the key to a better environment. My major concern is the pollution in the environment. I would hate to see my daughter face any health issues due to pollution. Also, global warming as I have read in “An Inconvenient Truth” is also an important issue. All of the glaciers are melting and the ecosystem is losing its balance. I believe the government needs to take this issue seriously and so should we since this concerns us.


Stephanie's Blog said...

I believe that too, government should really get more involve with global warming. Now i don't know your views on politics but that's what Barake Obama was saying, that global warming is here and it's serious and we need to do more before it's too late. Besides that everyone can do little steps, now that i'm realizing, i thought you had to make a major change but the little changes go along way too:)

Doctor X said...

Good observations--bigger and more is not always better or wiser. The pople in Pakistan could teach much to Americans.

Ewa said...

I strongly agree that the government get involved in stopping the global warming from happening. But, the only problem is that President Bush doesnt believe that global warming is actually occuring.the government supresses the truth from the people. Also, the unfortunate humans who don't have a lot of education and voted for Bush believe what he says without questioning.

Ovetta said...

I totally agree with you about how in this country people abuse their resources without realizing it. I am also from a country where the electricty goes out for hours at a time. I was there this summer and could not believe how the water pressure is slow and people have to fill drums to save water when it goes off. Reading your blog allow me to think and be more responsible about how I use resources more carefully.