Monday, September 29, 2008

My Passion

I am a person who has faced many hardships in life but continue to follow my passion. Loosing both my parents at a young age I still thrive to complete my education. My goal is to become a Physician Assistant and make my parents and my daughter proud. At times it is hard to follow your dreams but the determination to do something and make a difference keeps me going. I am at LaGuardia Community College to finish some pre-requisites to the PA program. Once I am done here I will continue to my next destination which is PA school. This will be one of the greatest accomplishments for me.
The way I am reaching for my goal and working towards my passion is by taking small steps, one step at a time. Slow and steady wins the race. The profession I have chosen also requires time and patience and that is something I have learned to do. My passion arose in this field when my father was hospitalized after a massive car accident and died in front of my eyes. I wished I was the doctor and could have done something to help my father. Many other patients in the Intensive Care Unit were helped by the medical care workers and I felt I wanted to do something that would help others as well. This is why I chose this career.
Now, how will I use my education? Well I will use the education I acquire to medically assist people in need. I’m not sure exactly how that would make the world a better place but it will definitely be one more person helping and treating humankind. It will provide one more individual to a person in need. In fact, it is humankind that can save the Earth (since we are the ones destroying it) so I think indirectly I am helping to make the world a better place. I am just one person and its hard to believe that I am actually influencing the whole world. After all, every person counts.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Blog 1

Religion can be used as a way to help the environment. This month is a fasting month for Muslims so we manage to save a lot of things. By fasting, everyday I’m saving paper cups that I would have used for coffee. My husband, who is a smoker, does not pollute the air by smoking. Usually, during fasting hours it is best to pray so electricity is also being conserved by not watching television or listening to music. Even though these are small acts they have been beneficial to the environment.
Honestly speaking this was not intended to help the environment. Instead, this is a religious belief that we have been following for a long time. Come to think of it we can change little habits and help the environment. Why not buy a cup and reuse it every day for coffee? There are so many lights in my house when I can only use one. We have come to abuse the resources we have available. In my country, Pakistan, people use water very carefully since they have a shortage of it. Very often the electricity would go out and people would suffer. In countries like that people realize the importance of these basic necessities while in America people abuse it.
Simple living and high thinking is the key to a better environment. My major concern is the pollution in the environment. I would hate to see my daughter face any health issues due to pollution. Also, global warming as I have read in “An Inconvenient Truth” is also an important issue. All of the glaciers are melting and the ecosystem is losing its balance. I believe the government needs to take this issue seriously and so should we since this concerns us.